Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2012

Trang truyện tranh Pokemon Special - Pokemon Đặc Biệt Tiếng Việt
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                                 Tập 01                               Tập 21                             
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                                 Tập 20                              Tập 40      ( Full )






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Pokemon Special Tiếng Việt   Pokemon Đặc Biệt bia pokemon adventures 01 image
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Đọc Pokemon Special Tiếng Việt Tập 37
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Pokemon Special Tiếng Việt – Pokemon Đặc Biệt                

  • [PokemonSpecialVN - Blogspot]
  • Một số thông tin về Pokemon Special - Pokemon Đặc Biệt:
  • Tên Tiếng Anh:  Pokémon Adventures
  • Tên Tiếng Nhật: ポケットモンスター SPECIAL (Pocket Monsters SPECIAL)
  • Tác Giả:        Hidenori Kusaka
  • Thiết Kế:       Mako, Satoshi Yamamoto
  • Nhà Xuất Bản: Chuang Yi Publishing Pte Ltd. - NXB KIM ĐỒNG
  • VS Mew
  • VS Machoke
  • VS Kangaskhan
  • VS Pikachu
  • VS Onix
  • VS Gyarados
  • VS Rhydon
  • VS Starmie
  • VS Fearow
  • VS Voltorb
  • VS Electabuzz
  • VS Snorlax
  • VS Psyduck
  • VS Arbok
Volume 1.png
  • VS Wartortle
  • VS Tauros
  • VS Jynx
  • VS Ninetales
  • VS Eevee
  • VS Vileplume
  • VS Nidoking
  • VS Victreebel
  • VS Magmar
  • VS Dragonite
  • VS Articuno
  • VS Moltres
  • VS Kadabra
Volume 2.png
  • VS Mr. Mime
  • VS Golbat
  • VS Zapdos
  • VS Articuno
  • VS Kadabra
  • VS Legendary Birds
  • VS Mewtwo I
  • VS Mewtwo II
  • VS Dratini
  • VS Golem
  • VS Nidoqueen
  • VS Spearow
  • VS Charizard
Volume 3.png
  • VS Ponyta
  • VS Dodrio
  • VS Seadra
  • VS Dewgong
  • VS Cloyster
  • VS Marowak
  • VS Persian
  • VS Paras
  • VS Gastly
  • VS Lapras
  • VS Magneton
  • VS Gengar
Volume 4.png
  • VS Caterpie
  • VS Pidgeotto
  • VS Primeape
  • VS Slowpoke
  • VS Ekans
  • VS Tentacruel
  • VS Hitmonlee
  • VS Dragonair I
  • VS Dragonair II
  • VS Dragonair III
  • VS Exeggutor
  • VS Arcanine
  • VS Machop
Volume 5.png
  • VS Poliwrath
  • VS Diglett
  • VS Jigglypuff
  • VS Horsea
  • VS Alakazam
  • VS Muk
  • VS Weezing
  • VS Venomoth
  • VS Magikarp
  • VS Electrode
  • VS Chansey
  • VS Golduck
  • VS Venusaur
Volume 6.png
  • VS Aerodactyl I
  • VS Aerodactyl II
  • VS Aerodactyl III
  • VS Raticate
  • VS Slowbro
  • VS Clefable
  • VS Shellder
  • VS Dragonite
  • VS Rhyhorn
  • VS Beedrill
  • VS Metapod
  • VS ???
Volume 7.png
  • VS Murkrow
  • VS Hoothoot
  • VS Sneasel
  • VS Elekid
  • VS Stantler
  • VS Donphan
  • VS Bellsprout
  • VS Totodile
  • VS Sunkern
  • VS Unown
  • VS Teddiursa
  • VS Ursaring
  • VS Houndour
Volume 8.png
  • VS Ariados
  • VS Smeargle!
  • VS Sudowoodo
  • VS Gligar
  • VS Quilava
  • VS Ampharos
  • VS Piloswine
  • VS Tyranitar
  • VS Red Gyarados
  • VS Delibird I
  • VS Delibird II
  • VS Forretress
  • VS Scizor
Volume 9.png
  • VS Slugma
  • VS Chikorita
  • VS Flaaffy
  • VS Staryu
  • VS Corsola
  • VS Qwilfish
  • VS Dragonair
  • VS Skarmory
  • VS Misdreavus
  • VS Jumpluff
  • VS Miltank
  • VS Ditto
  • VS Girafarig
Volume 10.png
  • VS Suicune I
  • VS Suicune II
  • VS Suicune III
  • VS Azumarill
  • VS Heracross
  • VS Larvitar
  • VS Crobat
  • VS Raikou & Entei I
  • VS Raikou & Entei II
  • VS Raichu
  • VS Dodrio
  • VS Lickitung
  • VS Remoraid
Volume 11.png
  • VS Cleffa & Igglybuff
  • VS Swinub
  • VS Sandslash
  • VS Lugia I
  • VS Lugia II
  • VS Lugia III
  • VS Kingdra
  • VS Chinchou
  • VS Lanturn
  • VS Butterfree
  • VS Ho-oh
  • VS Yanma
Volume 12.png
  • VS Kabutops
  • VS Noctowl
  • VS Mangemite
  • VS Scyther
  • VS Pupitar
  • VS Porygon2
  • VS Entei
  • VS Hitmontop
  • VS Bellossom
  • VS Slowking
  • VS Lugia & Ho-oh I
  • VS Lugia & Ho-oh II
Volume 13.png
  • The Last Battle I
  • The Last Battle II
  • The Last Battle III
  • The Last Battle IV
  • The Last Battle V
  • The Last Battle VI
  • The Last Battle VII
  • The Last Battle VIII
  • The Last Battle IX
  • The Last Battle X
  • The Last Battle XI
  • The Last Battle XII
  • The Last Battle XIII
Volume 14.png
  • VS The Last Battle XIV
  • VS Cacnea
  • VS Mightyena
  • VS Torchic
  • VS Dustox
  • VS Nuzleaf
  • VS Breloom
  • VS Kecleon
  • VS Lombre
  • VS Ludicolo
  • VS Nosepass I
Volume 15.png
  • VS Nosepass II
  • VS Crawdaunt I
  • VS Crawdaunt II
  • VS Mawile
  • VS Makuhita
  • VS Beldum
  • VS Hariyama
  • VS Plusle & Minun I
  • VS Plusle & Minun II
  • VS Torkoal
  • VS Slugma I
Volume 16.png
  • VS Slugma II
  • VS Donphan
  • VS Electrike I
  • VS Electrike II
  • VS Feebas
  • VS Zangoose & Seviper I
  • VS Zangoose & Seviper II
  • VS Slaking I
  • VS Slaking II
  • VS Slaking III
  • VS Azumarill I
  • VS Azumarill II
  • VS Pellipper I
Volume 17.jpg
  • VS Pellipper Part 2!
  • VS Magcargo
  • VS Medicham
  • VS Absol
  • VS Whismur
  • VS Loudred & Exploud Part 1
  • VS Loudred & Exploud Part 2
  • VS Shiftry
  • VS Luvdisc Part 1
  • VS Luvdisc Part 2
  • VS Anorith & Lileep
  • VS Altaria
Volume 18.jpg
  • VS Grumpig (Part 1)
  • VS Grumpig (Part 2)
  • VS Lunatone & Solrock
  • VS Walrein
  • VS Masquerain
  • VS Whiscash
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon I
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon II
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon III
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon IV
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon V
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon VI
Volume 19.jpg
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon VII
  • VS Treecko
  • VS Dusclops
  • VS Volbeat
  • VS Armaldo
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon VIII
  • VS Vibrava
  • VS Ninjask
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon IX
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon X
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XI
Volume 20.png
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XI
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XII
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XIII
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XIV
  • VS Regirock. Regice. Registeel I
  • VS Regirock. Regice. Registeel II
  • VS Spoink I
  • VS Spoink II
  • VS Kyogre & Groudon XV
  • VS Rayquaza I
  • VS Rayquaza II
Volume 21.png
  • The Last Great Battle I
  • The Last Great Battle II
  • The Last Great Battle III
  • The Last Great Battle IV
  • The Last Great Battle V
  • The Last Great Battle VI
  • The Last Great Battle VII
  • The Last Great Battle VIII
  • Escape!!
  • Shapeless Attacker
Volume 22.png
  • The Darkness That Swallows
  • Inside the Silph Scope
  • Two Island's Old Lady Kimberly
  • The Battle Path
  • Ultimate Attacks Unleashed
  • Action Terminated
  • The Grass & Fire Inheritance
  • The Beast Warrior Trio Enters!
  • Full Region Attack!
  • Deoxys Descends
Volume 23.png
  • A Shattered Red!
  • The Secret of Forme Change!
  • A Holder's Qualification!
  • The Reason To Fight
  • Mewtwo Joins The Battle
  • The Tower With a Mind
  • Osoi Kuru Bunshin Gun
  • The Deoxys Clone Army Attacks
  • Hometown Viridian City
25th cover.jpg
  • Cracking the Restrainer
  • Viridian in Heart
  • Midair Battle Stadium
  • Combat at the Summit
  • Father's Name is Giovanni!
  • The Deceiving Aurora!
  • The Phantom is at Faraway!
  • Last Shot!
  • Deoxys' Roots!
  • Rebellious Carr!
  • The Getaway Blackhole!
25th volume.png
  • An Innate Calling
  • A Father's Soul
  • Red, The Battler
  • The Holders' Link
  • VS Sudowoodo
  • VS Swalot
  • VS Illumise
  • VS Pinsir
  • VS Glalie
  • VS Kirlia
26th cover.png
  • VS Milotic
  • VS Shuckle
  • VS Dusclops
  • VS Regirock
  • VS Regice
  • VS Smeargle
  • VS Surskit I
  • VS Surskit II
  • VS Shedinja
Front cover volume 27.jpg
  • VS Shedinja II
  • VS Vileplume I
  • VS Vileplume II
  • VS Kirlia
  • VS Sceptile
  • VS Charizard I
  • VS Charizard II
  • VS Starmie
  • VS Lapras
  • VS Gulpin
28th cover!.jpg
  • The Final Battle I
  • The Final Battle II
  • The Final Battle III
  • The Final Battle IV
  • The Final Battle V
  • The Final Battle VI
  • The Final Battle VII
  • The Final Battle VIII
  • The Final Battle IX
  • Epilogue
29th cover.jpg
  • VS Starly
  • VS Bidoof
  • VS Luxio
  • VS Kricketot
  • VS Cranidos
  • VS Combee
  • VS Bronzor
  • VS Rotom
  • VS Roserade I
30th cover.jpg
  • VS Roserade II
  • VS Stunky
  • VS Probopass & Magnezone
  • VS Buneary
  • VS Pachirisu
  • VS Croagunk & Abra I
  • VS Croagunk & Abra II
  • VS Unown I
  • VS Unown II
31st cover.png
  • VS Meditite & Riolu I
  • VS Meditite & Riolu II
  • VS Staravia & Skuntank I
  • VS Staravia & Skuntank II
  • VS Gible
  • VS Bibarel & Hippopotas
  • VS Drapion & Kricketune I
  • VS Drapion & Kricketune II
  • VS Skorupi
32nd cover.png
  • VS Carnivine
  • VS Floatzel
  • VS Psyduck
  • VS Probopass & Magnezone I
  • VS Probopass & Magnezone II
  • VS Probopass & Magnezone III
  • VS Drifblim
  • VS Mismagius I
  • VS Mismagius II
  • VS Bronzong I
33th cover.png
  • VS Bronzong II
  • VS Staraptor
  • VS Rapidash
  • VS Gliscor
  • VS Lucario I
  • VS Lucario II
  • VS Vespiquen & Mothim I
  • VS Vespiquen & Mothim II
  • VS Wingull
  • VS Magby
34th cover.png
  • VS Houndoom
  • VS Graveler
  • VS Snover
  • VS Froslass
  • VS Clefairy
  • VS Lickitung
  • VS Lickilicky
  • VS Weepinbell
  • VS Yanmega I
  • VS Yanmega II
35th cover.png
  • VS Sableye
  • VS Gastrodon
  • VS Octillery
  • VS Tangrowth
  • VS Machamp
  • VS Quagsire
  • VS Buizel I
  • VS Buizel II
  • VS Grimer
  • VS Elekid
36 volume.png
  • VS Electivire
  • VS Honchkrow
  • VS Chingling
  • VS Haunter
  • VS Spiritomb
  • VS Cradily
  • VS Dialga & Palkia I
  • VS Dialga & Palkia II
37 manga.png
  • VS Dialga & Palkia III
  • VS Dialga & Palkia IV
  • VS Dialga & Palkia V
  • VS Dialga & Palkia VI
  • VS Lopunny
  • VS Porygon-Z
  • VS Gallade I
  • VS Gallade II
  • VS Claydol
  • VS Ivysaur

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